The Lost 202 is a non-territorial, single patch motorcycle riding club based in the Minneapolis / St. Paul metro area of Minnesota. We ride with any make & model of motorcycle and we welcome both men & women into membership. The Lost 202 Riding Club was founded on January 2, 2005. The ten original founding members had previously been members of another international riding club, the local chapter of that club being chapter #202. That club had positioned itself as a "family values" riding club. They had rules... rules, rules and rules! Some of which we did not agree with. Membership and rides were another problem. While we were experienced and aggressive riders, the club was open to anyone that filled out an application online. New, inexperienced and often unskilled riders were regularly showing up for our rides. Too often these new riders were ending up out in corn fields or worse. For some time we had considered splitting off and starting a new club. The straw that finally broke the camels back came when one of our members went down and sustained serious injury. We wanted to hold a fund raiser for him, but the international riding club said we could not hold the fund raiser in a bar. That was it. We decided to go ahead with our plan and split off, forming a new independent riding club. We got Lost... the Lost 202. Do not take this the wrong way, our former club, "the international riding club", is a good club. It serves a valuable purpose for those that are looking for that sort of experience. It was just not what we wanted. The red "X" over the zero in 202 on our patch represents both our split from the former club as well as a link to where we came from. The Lost 202 is a riding club (RC), not a motorcycle club (MC). We are non-voting participants in the MMCC (Minnesota Motorcycle Club Coalition), we attend their meetings and support their functions, but we are not a support club for any MC. We do not allow our members to wear any support gear, patches or decals.
So, the Lost 202 exists now. But why? What is the Lost 202? Mission StatementThe purpose of the Lost 202 is to bring together fellow motorcyclists whose common interest is motorcycle riding, to promote social camaraderie, support various non-profit charities, and to aid and assist its members when needed.Motorcycle riding and socializing (spell that: "party"), is what we do. We look for members to be committed to participating in the club, both by riding with us and by partying with us. Our Saturday rides will generally average in length from 100 to 300+ miles. We attend many local and regional rallies and motorcycle events, usually but not always camping. We gather a couple times a week to just hang out, shoot some shit and enjoy life. Club Motto"Mistakes Were Made"~ Father Murphy Lost 202 rides and riding style are geared toward intermediate to advanced skills riders. Lost 202 rides are closed rides, open to Lost 202 Members or Member invited guests ONLY. If you are looking for a club to ride with a time or two per year and that's it, the Lost 202 is not for you. We do expect a certain level of participation on both rides and at social events to maintain membership in good standing. A word about Lost 202 Rides and Riding Style. The Lost 202 was formed for a number of reasons, among those was the desire to ride aggressive rides with proficient riders that know how to safely ride in aggressive group rides, and not worry about the constant influx of new riders that some other open membership clubs experience. There is nothing wrong with new riders, we were all new once, it's not a put down or insult. However..... It's just a fact. New or inexperienced riders have an impact on those that ride with them, both behind them and in front of them. Some behind the new rider will become bored or frustrated at being held back. But, we as a club also have a concern that a new riders "pride" may influence them to attempt to ride with us at our same level... and this may result in them riding beyond their abilities which will in the best case scenario, cause that rider a lot of stress and in the worst case, could result in them crashing... Ride Your Own Ride We've all heard the saying "Ride your own ride." We in the Lost 202 do believe in that sentiment. But if Someone's riding skill is such that it prevents those behind them from enjoying the ride or riding "their ride"... they either don't belong on a Lost 202 ride or we need to accommodate them in a way which will not hinder the other more experienced riders, nor put the lesser skilled rider at risk. The Lost web page says... new or inexperienced riders are not welcome on our rides unless invited by a club member. If a newer rider is invited to ride with the club, a "buddy system" is used to accommodate and insure the safety of that rider. Membership Lost 202 Events. The Lost 202 Spring Party in April is one of the clubs two premier events of the year. The other is the Lost 202 Summer Blast held in August. The Spring Party features free beer, lots of great door and raffle prizes and the best live bands from the Minneapolis / St. Paul area. Summer Blast is a weekend camping trip featuring a group ride on Saturday and a fireworks display on Saturday night. In addition, the club travels to many different rallies and events throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall and throws many themed parties throughout the year. Visit our web site, to learn more about the Lost 202. There you will find our club constitution, current rides, event calendars, photo albums and more. Interested parties can Email inquires to any officer listed on the home page. Stop in and say "hi" to us in our club forum: Lost 202 Delphi Forum |
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Trademark Information:
Lost 202 Riding Club Patch and Graphic Replicas are Trademarks of The Lost 202, and
may not be duplicated or used in anyway, on or off line, without the express permission
of the Lost 202 Riding Club Trademark Owner. Other Company Names and Trademarks
used in Materials on this Website may be Trademarks of their Respective Owners.